Tikit Quick Start

In this article we will run through the steps to quickly get Tikit up and running.

Looking for more details on setting up and configuring Tikit? Check out the Tikit Setup Series – Video Guide.

Allow Tikit in Microsoft 365

By default, the Tikit app is set to “Allowed” (older M365 experience) or “Unblocked” (new M365 experience) within Microsoft 365 however some organizations may set all apps to “Blocked” based upon internal policies. In order to proceed with the Tikit install, you will need to verify that Tikit is allowed within Microsoft 365 Teams Admin Center. 

You can follow the steps below to verify ticket is allowed in your environment. 

Allow Tikit within Manage Apps (Older Version)

Microsoft is migrating its manage apps experience to a new experience. If you are on the older version, the experience you will visually follow is in this section. If the below examples are not aligning with your manage apps experience, please navigate to the Allow Tikit within Manage Apps (New Version) below. 

You will first need to verify if Tikit is “Allowed” within Teams Admin Center – Teams apps – Manage apps:

  1. Open Microsoft Teams Admin Center
  2. Navigate to Teams apps –> Manage apps
  3. Search for Tikit and verify the Status is Allowed
  1. If Tikit Status is set to Blocked, select Tikit and then click on “Allow” in the menu to allow Tikit in your environment
Please note that this process could take anywhere from 15 mins – 4 hours to full propagate in your Microsoft 365 environment.

Allow Tikit within Permission Policies (Older Version)

Microsoft is migrating its permission policies to a new experience. If you are on the older version, the experience you will visually follow is in this section. If you are on the new version, permission policies have been completely migrated into the assignment area of the new manage apps experience and you will need to reference the Assign Tikit within Manage Apps (New Version) below.

You will then need to verify if Tikit is “Allowed” as a Third-party app within Teams Admin Center – Teams apps – Permission policies:
  1. Open Microsoft Teams Admin Center
  2. Navigate to Teams Apps –> Permission policies
  3. Verify that Third-party apps is set to Allow all apps
  1. If Allow all apps is not selected, please make sure either Allow specific apps and block all others is selected and add Tikit, or Block specific apps and allow all others is selected and Tikit is not blocked.
Please note that this process could take anywhere from 15 mins – 4 hours to full propagate in your Microsoft 365 environment.

You will first need to verify if Tikit is Unblocked within Teams Admin Center – Teams apps – Manage apps:

  1. Open Microsoft Teams Admin Center
  2. Navigate to Teams apps –> Manage apps
  3. Search for Tikit and verify the App status is Unblocked
  1. If Tikit Status is set to Blocked, select Tikit and then click on the Actions menu and select Unblock app to allow Tikit in your environment
Please note that this process could take anywhere from 15 mins – 4 hours to full propagate in your Microsoft 365 environment.

You will then need to verify that the Tikit is set to Everyone under assignments to allow for Tikit to be accessed by agents:

  1. Open Microsoft Teams Admin Center
  2. Navigate to Teams apps -> Manage apps
  3. Search for Tikit and verify the Assignments is set to Everyone
  1. If Assignments is set to Not assigned, select Tikit and then click on the Assignments menu, select Assign app and either select Everyone or Specific users or groups (agents that will be using Tikit) to allow the appropriate access to Tikit in your environment. 
  2. If Assignments is set to Specific users or groups, ensure that these are the appropriate users or groups (agents that will be using Tikit) that need access to Tikit. If you need to change the assignment, select Tikit and then click on the Assignments menu, select Assign app and either select Everyone or Specific users or groups (agents that will be using Tikit) to allow the appropriate access to Tikit in your environment. 
Please note that this process could take anywhere from 15 mins – 4 hours to full propagate in your Microsoft 365 environment.

How to install and configure Tikit

To configure install and configure Tikit: 

  1. To add Tikit to Microsoft Teams you can follow one of the below options:  
    • Install from Microsoft App Store, here
    • Search for Tikit from the Apps tab in your MS Teams app.
    • Use this link to open Tikit inside MS Teams.
  1. Once the Tikit Teams app is installed, open the Tikit app chat and select I am a M365 Admin in the Let’s Setup Tikit message.
  2. Select Authorize & Setup Tikit in the Authorize Tikit message.

Not a Microsoft Administrator? Share the link https://signup.tikit.ai/ with your admin to continue setup.

  1. Login with a Microsoft admin account, check Consent on behalf of your organization if prompted, and then select Accept.
  1. Tikit is available globally and works best the closer it is to where you’re working. You can select your location here and we will provision Tikit in the region closest to your business.
  1. Choose a company point of contact that can receive and respond to email. We’ll use this to keep you updated on your Tikit deployment.
  1. If the Company’s Point of Contact is an email that contains at .onmicrosoft.com, you will be prompted to provide a correct work email address, then select Next.

If the .onmicrosoft.com email is correct, select I will roll the dice, skip this step.

  1. Select where you want your analysts to Work Tickets. Select New Team to create a new Team in Teams or Existing Team to select an existing Team in Teams, then select Next.
Not sure which option to select? Watch the following video: Setting Up Tikit: New vs. Existing Team to help you understand if you want to install Tikit in a New Team or Existing Team.
  1. If you selected New Team, you will be prompted to name the team. Then, choose who you want to be on the new team. You can select either:– Just Me and then click Next – I Need to Add More Agents and then choose additional agent(s) by typing their name. Then click Next.
  1. Choose if you will be the only Administrator of Tikit in your environment or if you need to add others to help you setup and configure. Click the checkbox to agree to the Terms and Conditions, then click Finish. You’re done! Head over to Step 12.
  1. If you selected Existing Team, you will be prompted to search for and select the Team, then select Next.
Note that the logged in user will need to have access to the Team in order to search for and select it.
  1. Then you’ll be able to choose who within the Existing Team you wish to license as an Agent to work tickets and/or who you wish to make an Administrator of Tikit to help setup and configure Tikit.Once you’ve decided, click Finish. You’re done!
  1. Hang tight while we get everything setup. Once your Tikit environment is ready, head back to Teams.
  1. In Teams, click Get started to show the Get Started guide now that Tikit is ready to go in Teams.

At anytime you can come back to the Get Started guide by asking Tikit to Get Started

Now that you have Tikit installed, you can immediately start creating and working tickets directly from Teams or the Tikit web app.

The Create a Ticket action can quickly create a new request from a message to start capturing a shoulder tap in a private chat or a post in a shared channel. For more details on message actions, check out Message Actions.

  1. Select Format icon in Teams. (More options) > More actions > Create a Ticket to create a ticket from the selected message.
  1. The Create Ticket form will open auto-filled with the message sender as the requester, the message as the request, and the default Priority. Check Include link to the message to add a link back to the original message in the ticket.

Need to create a ticket on the spot for a user rather than directing them to the Ticket Virtual Agent? Quickly create a new ticket from scratch with the Tikit compose extension. For more details on searching and creating tickets with the compose extension, check out Tikit Compose Extension.

  1. Select the TIkit icon below the compose message box to open the Tikit compose extension, then select Add Ticket.
  1. Enter in the ticket details in the New Ticket form and submit to create a new ticket.

Need to find an existing ticket? Find and work tickets from Teams or Tikit web apps.

Find tickets directly in Teams while chatting with Tikit, searching with the compose extension, and exploring tickets in the triage and support group channels.

Send “Tickets” to Tikit to explore tickets. For more details on Tikit commands and talking to Tikit, check out Tikit Commands.

Know the specific ticket id number? Send “Ticket #” to view a specific ticket.

You can create, view and manage tickets in the Tikit Web app: https://web.tikit.ai. You can read all about our different web portals in the Agent, Admin & User Portals article. 

Tikit Virtual Agent is your end users “portal” to getting problems solved. Once you deploy Tikit Virtual Agent to all your end users they will be able to quickly submit request and get answers. You can read more about how to setup and install the Tikit Virtual Agent here.

In this article