Relate Tickets

Tickets can be related to help you better manage tickets associated to the same topic or area of expertise. These data points can help you gain valuable insight during the ticket lifecycle and reporting.

When adding or removing relating tickets, the related tickets will not be closed like merged tickets and will keep their own activity of replies and file attachments. You can add or remove related tickets as needed so feel free to remove any related tickets to revert your actions if you need to.

To relate tickets:

  1. Find and select a ticket to open the edit ticket page.
  2. Once on the edit ticket page, expand the Related Tickets section, and select Relate.
  1. Select Relate Tickets to find and select tickets to relate.
  1. Find and select one or more tickets to relate to he current ticket, then select Continue. Note that unchecking a related ticket will remove the relationship.
  1. Review the summary of changes for adding and removing related tickets, then select Confirm to finish.

Note that you can add or remove related tickets as needed. Remember that relating tickets can be reverted but merging tickets cannot be reverted.

The related tickets will now be displayed in the Related Tickets section. You can also see when an analyst adds or removes related tickets in the activity feed.

If you navigate to one of the related tickets you can find the current ticket in the related ticket’s related tickets section too!

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