Default Notifications

In this article, we will outline the default notification settings in Tikit for requesters, agents, and triage channels.

Requester Notifications

Requesters are notified via TVA/Email in the following scenarios:

  • Ticket Logged: When their ticket has been logged, they receive a ticket number and are invited to add attachments or replies.
  • Public Comment Added: They are notified when a public comment is left on their ticket, including who left the comment and its content. They are given the option to reply.
  • Ticket Status Changed: When the status of their ticket changes, they are informed of the new status and who made the change. If the status is changed to resolved, they are asked if the resolution is satisfactory.
  • Attachment Added: Notified in the same format as a new comment, with an option to download the attachment(s).
  • Approval Request: When an approval request is added or approved.
  • Ticket Reassigned: When the ticket has been reassigned.

These notifications are sent if:

  • The comment is public, not private.
  • The change to the ticket was not made by the requester.
  • The ticket requires approval.

Agent Notifications

Agents are notified via the Tikit App/Email in the following scenarios:

  • Comment Added: A public or private comment is added.
  • Ticket Assigned: A ticket is assigned to them or to a team they are a member of, with an option to view and take the ticket.
  • User/Collaborator Added: An affected user or collaborator is added to a ticket.
  • Automation Change: An automation makes a change to a ticket.
  • Lifecycle Task: A lifecycle adds a task to a ticket.
  • Approval Request: An approval request is added, approved, or rejected.

When an agent creates a ticket using a form, they receive notifications for changes made to it if:

  • They are the ticket’s assignee.
  • The change was not made by themselves.

Triage Channel Notifications

The triage channel receives a notification in the following scenarios:

  • Ticket Status Updated: The status of a ticket is updated.
  • Ticket Assigned: A ticket is assigned to the team/group of the channel.
  • Support Group Changes: If the support group associated with the ticket changes, the ticket is removed from the old triage channel and placed in the new one.
  • Support Group Unchanged: If the support group remains unchanged, the triage channel gets a refresh to reflect any updates.
In this article