How do I interact with Tikit as a Guest user in Teams?


Given a guest user for an AAD tenant
And the guest has access to Teams for collaboration
And the guest has HelpBot or Tikit Teams apps installed
When the guest attempts to interact with a ticket from the triage or support group channels
Or the guest sends a reply to a personal notification from either Tikit or HelpBot
Then Tikit fails to respond


For the full experience of working with Tikit and HelpBot in Teams we recommend using an organization user to interact with Tikit over a guest user. For full details on guest user access to apps in Teams, and other non-standard users like Federated users, please see Microsoft Teams apps behavior for non-standard users. Our findings with guest users and Tikit in a Team and personally installing Tikit or HelpBot apps is that guests have very limited access to Teams bots:

  • Guests can install Tikit and HelpBot when given a direct link in the Teams app store, but are unable to login to the specific Tikit tenant they are guest in.
  • Guests can get proactive notifications from Tikit when installed to a Team channel, which means Tikit can send notifications to guests and guests can see tickets in the triage or support group channels, but guests can’t interact with the bot.